@import 'tokens'; /** * SIZE SCALE * This is a Major Third scale that powers all the utilities that * it is relevant for (font-size, margin, padding). All items are * calcuated off these tokens. */ $stalfos-size-scale: map-get($tokens, 'size-scale'); /** * COLORS * Colors are shared between backgrounds and text by default. * You can also use them to power borders, fills or shadows, for example. */ $stalfos-colors: map-get($tokens, 'colors'); /** * UTIL PREFIX * All pre-built, framework utilities will have this prefix. * Example: the wrapper utility is '.sf-wrapper' because the default * prefix is 'sf-'. */ $stalfos-util-prefix: 'sf-'; /** * METRICS * Various misc metrics to use around the site */ $metrics: ( 'wrap-max-width': 71.25rem, 'wrap-inner-max-width': 62.25rem, 'md-breakpoint': 48rem ); /** * CORE CONFIG * This powers everything from utility class generation to breakpoints * to enabling/disabling pre-built components/utilities. */ $stalfos-config: ( 'align': ( 'items': ( 'start': 'flex-start', 'center': 'center', 'end': 'flex-end' ), 'output': 'responsive', 'property': 'align-items' ), 'bg': ( 'items': $stalfos-colors, 'output': 'standard', 'property': 'background' ), 'color': ( 'items': $stalfos-colors, 'output': 'standard', 'property': 'color' ), 'box': ( 'items': ( 'block': 'block', 'flex': 'flex', 'inline-flex': 'inline-flex', 'hide': 'none' ), 'output': 'responsive', 'property': 'display' ), 'font': ( 'items': map-get($tokens, 'fonts'), 'output': 'standard', 'property': 'font-family' ), 'gap-top': ( 'items': $stalfos-size-scale, 'output': 'standard', 'property': 'margin-top' ), 'gap-bottom': ( 'items': $stalfos-size-scale, 'output': 'standard', 'property': 'margin-bottom' ), 'leading': ( 'items': ( 'tight': '1.2', 'mid': '1.5', 'loose': '1.7' ), 'output': 'standard', 'property': 'line-height' ), 'measure': ( 'items': ( 'long': '75ch', 'short': '60ch', 'compact': '40ch' ), 'output': 'standard', 'property': 'max-width' ), 'pad-top': ( 'items': $stalfos-size-scale, 'output': 'standard', 'property': 'padding-top' ), 'pad-bottom': ( 'items': $stalfos-size-scale, 'output': 'standard', 'property': 'padding-bottom' ), 'pad-left': ( 'items': $stalfos-size-scale, 'output': 'standard', 'property': 'padding-left' ), 'space': ( 'items': ( 'between': 'space-between', 'around': 'space-around', 'before': 'flex-end' ), 'output': 'responsive', 'property': 'justify-content' ), 'stack': ( 'items': ( '300': 0, '400': 10, '500': 20, '600': 30, '700': 40 ), 'output': 'standard', 'property': 'z-index' ), 'ta': ( 'items': ( 'right': 'right', 'left': 'left', 'center': 'center' ), 'output': 'responsive', 'property': 'text-align' ), 'text': ( 'items': $stalfos-size-scale, 'output': 'responsive', 'property': 'font-size' ), 'weight': ( 'items': ( 'light': '300', 'regular': '400', 'mid': '600', 'bold': '700' ), 'output': 'standard', 'property': 'font-weight' ), 'width': ( 'items': ( 'full': '100%', 'half': percentage(1/2), 'quarter': percentage(1/4), 'third': percentage(1/3) ), 'output': 'responsive', 'property': 'width' ), 'breakpoints': ( 'md': #{'(min-width: ' + map-get($metrics, 'md-breakpoint') + ')'} ), 'utilities': ( 'reset': 'on', 'icon': 'off', 'flow': 'on', 'wrapper': 'off' ) );