# Astrolabe website ## Getting started Requirements : - Git - Node.js (minimum version v12.15.0) ### Install 1. Clone or fork this repo: `git clone ssh://gitea@git.astrolabe.coop:2106/AstrolabeCAE/SiteWebAstrolabe.git` 2. `cd` into the project directory and run `npm install` 3. Once all the dependencies are installed run `npm start` 4. Open your browser at `http://localhost:8080` and away you go! ### Deploy 1. Copy paste deploy.js file in two new files `deploy-preprod.js`and `deploy-prod.js` 2. Make sure to fill in correct platform information in the two files 3. Run `npm run deploy-preprod`to deploy to the pre-production platform 4. Run `npm run deploy-prod`to deploy to the production platform ## Terminal commands ### Serve the site locally ```bash npm start ``` ### Build a production version of the site ```bash npm run prod ``` ### Lint Sass ```bash npm run sass:lint ``` ### Compile Sass ```bash npm run sass:process ``` ## Content editing All operations are based on the `src` folder as a root. ### Add a new post A post is composed of a markdown file and optionally images. There is two kinds of posts : - News post - Event post #### Add a 'news' post In the `posts`folder, create a new mardown file `example.md`(or copy paste one of the existing files) Fill in the meta information : 1. `title:` the post heading 2. `date:` the publication date, if further than current date the post won't appear in the posts list until current date is met. 3. `type:` 'news' for news post Then add the post content in plain mardown language. You can add images to your post, make sure to place them in the `images`folder. #### Add an 'event' post In the `posts`folder, create a new mardown file `example-date.md`(or copy paste one of the existing files). Use date in post file name to identify them easily (not mandatory). Fill in the meta information : 1. `title:` the post heading 2. `date:` the publication date, if further than current date the post won't appear in the posts list until current date is met. 3. `time:` the time of the event. 4. `type:` 'event' for event post Then add the post content in plain mardown language. You can add images to your post, make sure to place them in the `images`folder. ### Add a new member In the `members`folder, create a new mardown file `name-surname.md`(or copy paste one of the existing files) Fill in the meta information : 1. `name:` the full name of the member 2. `position:` job title 3. `positionInternal:` internal role if any 4. `date:` date of arrival in the coop 5. `profile:` picture of the member, make sure to place it in the `images/profiles/` folder 6. `personalSite:` website url if any 7. `socialMastodon:` profile url if any 8. `socialTwitter:` profile url if any 9. `socialLinkedin:` profile url if any 10. `url:` personal page url in the website, eg `/members/name-surname` Then add the member bio or any content ### Customers & Partners The two are listed on the home page in different section. There is maximum of four per section, in reversed order regarding the date of addition. #### Add a new customer In the `customers`folder, create a new mardown file `customer-name.md`(or copy paste one of the existing files) Fill in the meta information : 1. `name:` the brand name of the customer 2. `thumbnail:` the customer brand logo, make sure to place it in the `images/customers/`folder 3. `url:` the customer website #### Add a new partner In the `partners`folder, create a new mardown file `partner-name.md`(or copy paste one of the existing files) Fill in the meta information : 1. `name:` the brand name of the partner 2. `thumbnail:` the partner brand logo, make sure to place it in the `images/partner/`folder 3. `url:` the partner website ### FAQ section Edit `_data/faq.json` file to add a new Q/A couple object. Plain html e.g. `<br>` or `<a href="">link</a>` is supported ### Contact form Edit `partials/components/contact-form.html` file to modify the contact form and `src/form/contact-form-handler.php` to modify the form handler. To test it in a local environment, because there is PHP to execute, you will need to setup a apache vhost with the `dist` folder as the root and the phpmailer library installed. Add these lines to the vhost configuration file (here with mailtrap as smtp provider for testing purposes): ``` SetEnv ASTRO_SMTP_FROM test@astrolabe.test SetEnv ASTRO_SMTP_HOSTNAME sandbox.smtp.mailtrap.io SetEnv ASTRO_SMTP_USERNAME xxxxx SetEnv ASTRO_SMTP_PASSWORD xxxxx ```