const jsdom = require('@tbranyen/jsdom');
const {JSDOM} = jsdom;
const minify = require('../utils/minify.js');
const slugify = require('slugify');
const getSize = require('image-size');
module.exports = function(value, outputPath) {
if (outputPath.endsWith('.html')) {
const DOM = new JSDOM(value, {
resources: 'usable'
const document = DOM.window.document;
const articleImages = [...document.querySelectorAll('main section:not(.process-cae, .presentation, .member) article img, .intro img')];
const articleHeadings = [
...document.querySelectorAll('main article h2, main article h3')
const articleEmbeds = [...document.querySelectorAll('main article iframe')];
if (articleImages.length) {
articleImages.forEach(image => {
image.setAttribute('loading', 'lazy');
const file = image.getAttribute('src');
if (file.indexOf('http') < 0) {
const dimensions = getSize('src' + file);
image.setAttribute('width', dimensions.width);
image.setAttribute('height', dimensions.height);;
// Replace p tags by figure tag for img
const figure = document.createElement('figure');
// If an image has a title it means that the user added a caption
// so replace the image with a figure containing that image and a caption
if (image.hasAttribute('title')) {
const figCaption = document.createElement('figcaption');
figCaption.innerHTML = image.getAttribute('title');
// if (articleHeadings.length) {
// // Loop each heading and add a little anchor and an ID to each one
// articleHeadings.forEach(heading => {
// const headingSlug = slugify(heading.textContent.toLowerCase());
// const anchor = document.createElement('a');
// anchor.setAttribute('href', `#heading-${headingSlug}`);
// anchor.classList.add('heading-permalink');
// anchor.innerHTML = minify(`
// permalink
// `);
// heading.setAttribute('id', `heading-${headingSlug}`);
// heading.appendChild(anchor);
// });
// }
// Look for videos are wrap them in a container element
if (articleEmbeds.length) {
articleEmbeds.forEach(embed => {
if (embed.hasAttribute('allowfullscreen')) {
const player = document.createElement('div');
return '\r\n' + document.documentElement.outerHTML;
return value;