1. Passive user logs in using custom URL and logs sent by admin or support team
2. User inputs username (i.e. e-mail address) and password in login form then submits
3. If necessary, user can visit enDI official website using URL
4. If necessary, user can visit Astrolabe official website using URL
Connection to enDI is automated with REST API. Sessions are cookie-based.
[ ] ==**DASHBOARD**==
Dashboard ensures draft and unvalidated expense reports management, sorted by year and company. Within each year sorted in decending order, expense reports are sorted by month in ascending order. Every expense report in the dashboard features the following parameters:
- Expense status (validated, unvalidated or draft)
- Expense data (date, charge incl. and excl. taxes, VAT, distance)
- Sum data (total incl. and excl. taxes, total VAT, total distance)
- Consult details of specific expense reports
Baseline scenario:
1. Authentication succeeds
If user is associated with a single company: User is redirected to company dashboard HCI
If user is associated with more than one company: User is redirected to company selection HCI, then relevant company dashboard HCI
2. Draft and unvalidated expense reports are displayed
3. User can view details of specific expense reports, in which case he is redirected to specific HCI
Expense report dashboard allows user to keep track of:
- Expense report status
- Supporting document (or lack thereof)
- Saved comments (including writer name, writing date and comment content)
1. Active user goes to HCI and picks specific expence report
2. All expense report details are displayed
Baseline scenario:
1. Active user goes to HCI and clicks expense report creation button
2. User inputs date (month and year), with current date as default
3. User confirms or cancels operation
Expense reports ("Expense") are associated with expense sheets ("ExpenseSheet") which themselves are associated with user account ("User") and company ("Company"). Expense reports are created as parts of an expense sheet, which need to be created first. Newly created expense reports are automatically saved as drafts.
1. Active user goes to HCI and selects year and expense report to add to. User is redirected to specific expense report HCI, selects "Costs" category and clicks add button
2. User can complete overhead form with appropriate data
3. User can complete line charge form with appropriate data
4. User confirms or cancels expense addition
Overhead form data to be completed: date, group, type*, description, charge incl. and excl. taxes*
If multiple VAT rates need to be provided, total sum should be input. If VAT is not deductible, charge incl. taxes should be input in "charge excl. taxes" field and 0 should be input in "VAT" field.
1. Active user goes to HCI and selects year and expense report to edit from. User is redirected to specific expense report HCI, selects "Costs" category and clicks specific edit button
2. User can complete overhead form with appropriate data (fields have current values as default values)
3. User can complete line charge form with appropriate data (fields have current values as default values)
4. User confirms or cancels expense edition
Overhead form data to be completed: date, category, type*, description, charge incl. and excl. taxes*
1. Active user goes to HCI and selects year and expense report to add to. User is redirected to specific expense report HCI, selects "Costs" category and clicks add button
2. User completes form with appropriate data
3. User confirms or cancels expense addition
Form data to be completed: date*, type*, provision, origin*, destination*, distance*
1. Active user goes to HCI and selects year and expense report to edit from. User is redirected to specific expense report HCI, selects "Costs" category and clicks specific edit button
2. User completes form with appropriate data (fields have current values as default values)
3. User confirms or cancels expense addition
Form data to be completed: date*, type*, provision, origin*, destination*, distance*
1. Active user goes to HCI and selects year and expense report to delete expense from. User is redirected to specific expense report HCI, selects "Costs" or "Purchases" category and clicks specific delete button
2. User is prompted for deletion confirmation as safety measure
Only draft expense reports can be deleted. If deleted expense report was awaiting validation, it is returned to draft status and the validation process is automatically cancelled.
1. Active user goes to HCI and selects year and expense report to submit for validation. User is redirected to specific expense report HCI and clicks validate button
2. User completes form with appropriate data (comment that is optional)
3. User confirms or cancels
User cannot (un)validate their own expense report; only the admin can. Expense reports might have another status but those are not accessible on the user's end.
## STEP 2
Baseline scenario:
1. Active user goes to HCI and selects year and expense report to attach a document in. User is redirected to specific expense report HCI and clicks attach button
2. User completes form with appropriate data
3. User confirms or cancels attachment
Form data to be completed: document type*, local image file*, description*
Baseline scenario:
1. Active user goes to HCI and selects year and expense report to delete a document in. User is redirected to specific expense report HCI, browses supporting document files and clicks file link
2. File information is displayed on click (description, file name, file size, upload date, last edit date)
3. User clicks delete button
4. User is prompted for deletion confirmation as safety measure
1. Active user goes to HCI and selects year and expense report to edit a document in. User is redirected to specific expense report HCI, browses supporting document files and clicks file link
2. File information is displayed
3. User clicks edit button
4. User completes form with appropriate data (fields have current values as default values, including file)
5. User confirms or cancels edition
Form data to be completed: document type*, local image file*, description*
1. Active user goes to HCI and selects year and expense report to generate expense in. User is redirected to specific expense report HCI, selects "Costs" or "Purchases" category and clicks generate button
2. User selects snapshot from gallery or takes snapshot on the spot
3. OCR system parses data from snapshot and automatically compute rates
4. Form loads with parsed data as default value in appropriate fields
5. User may edit form data if necessary, then confirms or cancels
1. Active user goes to HCI and selects year and expense report to add to. User is redirected to specific expense report HCI, selects "Purchases" category and clicks add button
2. User can complete overhead form with appropriate data
3. User can complete line charge form with appropriate data
4. User confirms or cancels expense addition
Overhead form data to be completed: date, category, type*, description, charge incl. and excl. taxes*
1. Active user goes to HCI and selects year and expense report to edit from. User is redirected to specific expense report HCI, selects "Purchases" category and clicks specific edit button
2. User can complete overhead form with appropriate data (fields have current values as default values)
3. User can complete line charge form with appropriate data (fields have current values as default values)
4. User confirms or cancels expense edition
Overhead form data to be completed: date, category, type*, description, charge incl. and excl. taxes*
1. Active user goes to HCI and selects year and expense report to add to. User is redirected to specific expense report HCI, selects "Purchases" category and clicks add button
2. User completes form with appropriate data
3. User confirms or cancels expense addition
Form data to be completed: date*, type*, provision, origin*, destination*, distance*, customer
(* = required data for form validation)
Expense can only be added if expense report is already saved as draft
1. Active user goes to HCI and selects year and expense report to edit from. User is redirected to specific expense report HCI, selects "Purchases" category and clicks specific edit button
2. User completes form with appropriate data (fields have current values as default values)
3. User confirms or cancels expense edition
Form data to be completed: date*, type*, provision, origin*, destination*, distance*, customer
1. Active user goes to HCI and selects year and expense report to copy expense from. User is redirected to specific expense report HCI, selects "Costs" or "Purchases" category and clicks specific copy button
2. User specifies to which expense report the expense needs to be copied. Only expense reports already saved as drafts can be selected. Default value is current expense report